Project Team

Our team is made up of a group of academics, community organizations, service providers, and students, all of whom are integral in accomplishing the goals of this work.

Core Team

  • Renée Monchalin, PhD (she/her)

    Project Director and Assistant Professor, University of Victoria, School of Public Health and Social Policy; Michael Smith Health Research BC Scholar

  • Astrid V. Pérez Piñán, PhD (she/her)

    Co-Project Director and Assistant Professor, University of Victoria, School of Public Administration

  • Willow Paul, MA(c) (she/her)

    Research Manager and Masters Candidate in the Social Dimensions of Health Program, University of Victoria

  • Madison Wells, MPH (she/her)

    Research Coordinator and recent graduate of the Masters of Public Health program, University of Victoria

  • Créa Ferguson, BA(c) (she/her)

    Research Assistant and Undergraduate student, Bachelors of Arts, University of Ottawa

  • Shaylin Allison, MA(c) (she/they)

    Research Assistant, Indigenous doula, and Masters Candidate in Art History and Visual Studies, University of Victoria

Community Partners

  • Harlie Pruder (she/they)

    Northern Reproductive Justice Network

  • Shannon Hardy (she/they)

    Abortion Support Services Atlantic

  • Danette Jubinville (she/her)

    ekw’i7tl Indigenous doula collective

  • Emily Pruder

    Northern Manitoba Abortion Support


  • Sarah Munro, PhD (she/her)

    Co-Investigator; Assistant Professor in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, The University of British Columbia; and Scientist and Knowledge Translation Program Head, Centre for Health Evaluation and Outcome Sciences

  • Carmen Logie, PhD (she/her)

    Co-Investigator; Professor, University of Toronto, Factor-Inwentash Faculty of Social Work; and Canada Research Chair in Global Health Equity and Social Justice with Marginalized Populations


  • Jaisie Walker (they/them)

    Planned Parenthood Ottawa

  • Meagan Chaffey (she/her)

    Abortion Support Services Atlantic

  • Kimberly Law (she/her)

    Northern Health Authority

  • Olivia Louie

    ekw’i7tl Indigenous doula collective

Advisory Circle

  • Dr. Alexa Lesperance (she/her)

    Anishinaabe Family Physician, CCFP

  • Emma Antoine-Allan (they/them)

    Native Youth Sexual Health Network

  • Dr. Janelle Syring (she/her)

    MD, CCFP

  • Angie Kells (she/her)

    Saskatoon Abortion Support Network

  • Danielle Peebles (she/her)


  • Piyêsiw Crane (she/they)

    Maskwacis Health Services, Early Years

  • Jill Doctoroff (she/her)

    Executive Director, Options for Sexual Health

  • Haley Strother (she/her)

    BSN, RN(C), UBCO Student Wellness Clinic, Primary Care Nurse

  • Laura Salamanca (she/they)

    Director of Health Promotion, Action Canada for Sexual Health and Rights

  • Dr. A.J. Lowik (they/them)

    Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Centre for Gender and Sexual Health Equity

  • Cheryllee Bourgeois (she/her)

    Exemption Métis Midwife; Call Auntie Program Lead; Outreach Midwife - SGMT & Inner City Health Associates

  • Jennifer Taylor (she/her)

    Lawyer and co-author of Access to Choice: The Legal Framework for Abortion Access in Nova Scotia and Self-Managed Abortion in Canada: A Status Report

  • Dehga Scott (she/her)

    Co-Founder and Project Manager, Northern Birthwork Collective; Auntie at the Heart Lodge

  • TK Pritchard (they/them)

    Executive Director, National Abortion Federation of Canada